Showing 26 - 50 of 88 Results
Attitudes of Martin Bucer Toward the Bigamy of Philip of Hesse by Eells, Hastings ISBN: 9780404198299 List Price: $32.50
State of the British Authority in Bengal under the Government of Mr Hastings by Francis, Philip ISBN: 9780548693162 List Price: $16.95
Index to International Public Opinion, 1986-1987 by Hastings, Elizabeth H., Has... ISBN: 9780318329901 List Price: $175.00
A letter from Warren Hastings, Esq., dated 21st of February, 1784. With remarks and authenti... by East India Company, Francis... ISBN: 9781116965612 List Price: $17.75
A letter from Warren Hastings, Esq., dated 21st of February, 1784. With remarks and authenti... by East India Company, Francis... ISBN: 9781116965629 List Price: $16.75
The Economy of British Hydroid Zoophytes by Rufford, Philip James, Hast... ISBN: 9781117683645 List Price: $15.75
Memoirs of Sir Elijah Impey, Knt With Anecdotes of Warren Hastings, Sir Philip Francis, Nath... by Impey, Elijah Barwell ISBN: 9781151741349 List Price: $33.21
Minutes of Warren Hastings and Philip Francis, Esquires by Hastings, Warren ISBN: 9780371790403 List Price: $8.95
A State of the British Authority in Bengal: Under the Government of Mr. Hastings by Philip Francis Francis ISBN: 9783337192426 List Price: $13.90
Du hast Aufträge, weil der Markt noch boomt! Was ist danach? (German Edition) by Philip Chambers ISBN: 9781670629029 List Price: $15.89
Letter to Philip Francis, Esq from the Right Hon Edmund Burke, Chairman, Members of the Comm... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9781170201572 List Price: $15.75
Minutes of Warren Hastings and Philip Francis, Esquires by Hastings, Warren ISBN: 9781170730980 List Price: $17.75
Minutes of Warren Hastings and Philip Francis, Esquires by Hastings, Warren ISBN: 9781170760734 List Price: $17.75
Grand Trunk Heritage by Hastings, Philip R. ISBN: 9780911868661 List Price: $11.95
letter from Warren Hastings, Esq. , dated 21st of February, 1784. with remarks and authentic... by Hastings, Warren, Francis, ... ISBN: 9781116965643 List Price: $16.99
letter from Warren Hastings, Esq. , dated 21st of February, 1784. with remarks and authentic... by Hastings, Warren, Francis, ... ISBN: 9781116965636 List Price: $18.99
Economy of British Hydroid Zoophytes by Rufford, Philip James, Hast... ISBN: 9781117683652 List Price: $16.99
Keith Vaughan by Vann, Philip, Hastings, Gerard ISBN: 9781848220973
Fishes: a Guide to Their Diversity by Hastings, Philip A., Walker... ISBN: 9780520278721
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